Sunday, July 1, 2012

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Maternity clothes? Same ole...but dresses/skirts and stretchy/yoga pants are definite favorites
Movement? Movement was an issue this week. Last week, baby was very active and moving all over the place. Monday afternoon I noticed she wasn't moving as much and the movements I felt weren't as strong. After that night and Tuesday, I decided to contact my doctor's office since a decrease in movement can be a cause for alarm. I didn't want to overreact (or be "that" crazy pregnant lady), but at the same time didn't want something to be wrong and just brush it off. They had me come in Wednesday afternoon for a non-stress test where they monitor baby's heart rate for 20-30 minutes. I was really scared and worried (honestly, an emotional basket case), but she sounded perfect! Her heart rate was in the 135-140 range for the most part and it needed to go up by at least 10 when she moved, and her's was going up by 15. We could also hear when she moved, but most of them I couldn't feel. There are several possible reasons I might not have been feeling her as much, one being her position- I'm wondering if she's just in a spot where I can't feel them as much and therefore, am not able to notice them as easily. If I rest and just focus on her, I feel them. Yes, she is already showing us who is in charge!! :) Thursday evening she was very active and seems to be keeping it up (and she better or she is grounded when she makes her appearance!)
Cravings? Sprite Zero. Really anything sounds good at this point :) I even ate pizza this week! Although, "they" say she can now taste what I'm eating and it can affect her taste in the future, so I'm trying to cut down on the sweets and eating lots of fruits and veggies!
Anything make you queasy or sick? It doesn't make me queasy, but I'm pretty sure chocolate gives me heartburn, so bye bye chocolate
Sleep? some nights aren't too bad, some I lay in bed awake in the middle of the night for hours
Best moment this week: even though the reason was scary and concerning, getting to listen to our girl's heartbeat and movements for 20 minutes wasn't so bad :) Also, she got the hiccups for the first time Friday morning! This week has been pretty emotional and stressful, but getting to finally feel those hiccups made up for it a little bit : )
One more good moment this week- J got to feel her moving an elbow/knee/something across my belly
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? none (unless you count the BH contractions, but since they aren't painful yet, I'm going to leave them in the "symptom" category : )
Symptoms?  heartburn/reflux, BH contractions, tired (not sure if this is the beginning of 3rd trimester trimester sleepiness or my lack of sleep...I'm thinking more the latter), swelling (the 100+ temps seem to be getting to me- hello, 108?! A little nervous about the next couple of months- even though I'm inside all day and drinking tons of water. Even stranger, it seems like it's always my left ankle that gets more swollen?!), emotional!
Belly button in or out? same- the bottom half is pretty flat and the top is hanging in there
What I miss: nothing!
Weekly wisdom: when in doubt, get checked out!
What I am looking forward to: this should go without saying, but meeting this silly girl in about 2 1/2 months! And seeing the look on J's face when he sees her for the first time (I'm getting teary eyed just typing that- I'm not kidding when I say I've been emotional!)
Milestones: last week in the 20's!!! While this pregnancy hasn't flown by for me, I really can't believe we're days away from 30 weeks!
We also went to our first baby related "class"- we did a tour of the maternity floor (not really sure what it's called, but Labor and Delivery, Postpartum, Nursery, etc) this week. I'm really glad we went because although I knew where to go, I became a lot more familiar with the floor and now J also knows where to go (which will be good in case I'm in labor and acting like a crazy person!). When we got to the nursery, I started to walk up to the window and had to step back because I was getting choked up (e.m.o.t.i.o.n.a.l)! I took a deep breath and went back to the window to look at those sweet babies- so tiny and adorable!! We also found out more about what Vanderbilt offers, so it was time well spent!
Awkward and Awesome: Awkward- walking into WalMart and realizing my belly was peeking out from my shirt...but at least I was at WalMart, right?! Awesome- getting an AMAZING deal on a crib mattress- right, mom?! ;)
A few photos from this week:
monitoring baby's perfect little heart beat and movements

I purposefully never wear dresses on days I have appointments so I don't have to lift it all the way up, but of course I wore one Wednesday when I had to go in for this unexpected appointment! ha!

 Our tour Wednesday night

during the Power Point portion of our tour, we saw a familiar face! Sweet little Greyson :)

ready to welcome a new baby!

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

amazing deal indeeeeed!!!