Sunday, July 8, 2012

30 Weeks

Countown: 10 weeks to go!

How far along? 30 weeks (the size of a head of cabbage or about 15.7 inches and 3 pounds!)
Maternity clothes? Still wearing all pre-pregnancy tops (even though I may need to be more careful since the WalMart incident! I tried on a maternity top this week and it finally fits! I ended up wearing it at least 3 nights after work this week!), 2 pairs of maternity pants, and non-maternity long dresses and skirts (although I did wear one maternity dress last week!)
Movement? feeling less big kicks/jabs and more of just her moving around/rolling. We went in again for monitoring this week (the night of the 3rd) and once again, she was moving a ton (I just couldn't feel it) and her heart rate was great!
Cravings? not craving much really- fruit always sounds good and have some multiple times a day! And anything cold- ice water to shaved ice
Anything make you queasy or sick? trying my best to stay away from chocolate and anything that might potentially give me heartburn (which, let's be honest, at this point is almost everything, so I just make sure I have Rolaids with me at all times!)
Sleep? just depends on the day
Best moment this week: having the 4th of July off! :)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? none
Symptoms?  heartburn/reflux, BH contractions, tired, swelling, emotional, improved posture! (she still loves hanging out on my right side under my ribs causing me to not be able to slouch), out of breath (I run out of breath SO quickly these days! And going up just one flight of stairs is a full workout for my lungs and my legs!), I also wake up super thirsty- not sure if it's pregnancy related or 100+ degrees everyday related...
Belly button in or out? the bottom half is pretty flat and the top is hanging in there, but definitely pokes out (which is obvious in many pictures of me from the front)
What I miss: I think this is obvious, but SLEEP! However, I would not give this up for all the sleep in the world!! And maybe the sleep deprivation won't hit me as hard since my sleep has been pretty sparse or months?!
Weekly wisdom: I still can't believe I'm growing this little person inside of me! Our bodies really are incredible. And it's really amazing how much you can care and worry about someone you've never met! (but not TOO much longer :)
What I am looking forward to: maternity pictures and a growth ultrasound next week! Also, my twice weekly appointments begin next week- non-stress tests on Mondays and growth ultrasounds on Thursdays. Really looking forward to getting to check on her twice a week until she arrives!!
Milestones: we are in the 30s!!!

Cash stopped by this week's post to say hello!


mom/lulu said...

AMEN! to weekly wisdom :)

i love that mr. b is in the picture <3

Kiley and Matthew said...

you look great!

stephanie said...

Thank you Kiley!!