Thursday, May 3, 2012

21 weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks (baby is as long as a carrot!)
Maternity clothes?  well, I gave in this past week. I can still get away with wearing several of my normal pants, but I found a pair of black maternity pants at Old Navy for $6 (yes, SIX DOLLARS!)...these are the best things I have ever worn!! I'm not sure I'll go back now :) I have already told the girls I work with that they can go ahead and plan on me wearing these twice I week! Still wearing all regular shirts (and pants other than those) for now though.
Movement?  still feeling sporadic jabs and rolls : ) no real pattern yet. However, I have noticed I feel her most when I get home from work in the evening. I think she's just as happy to be home as I am :) I am usually in bed and asleep by 10pm, but this past weekend, I stayed up until 11:30 on Friday night. When I got in bed, she was moving all around- so she either liked the strawberries I had for a snack or this is one of her active times and I just usually sleep through it (11:30 pm?! Girl, we are going to need to kick that habit! ;)
Sweet and candy, fruit, smoothies, and sorbet (Kroger's Private Selection Tropical Mango- seriously the best thing EVER)...and recently salad! (maybe I can balance all of those sweets out??)
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? starting to get up twice a night almost every night to go to the bathroom, but having an easier time falling back to sleep when I get in bed (hallelujah!) and this weekend slept in until 10am, woo hoo!!
Best moment this week: starting to feel her move more frequently :) AND we decided to go ahead and get started on our registries this weekend! Wow- SO many decisions!! But at least we got a start and have time to go through them and edit and get answers to questions!

**UPDATE to best moment (that tops the others above!): 
J was able to feel her move for the first time on May 6th!! I've definitely been feeling her for several weeks, but we haven't been able to get her to move for him. She's most active mid-morning (while I'm at work) and in the evening/night. So we just sat on the couch and waited...and finally he felt her! Just once, but hopefully she'll start moving more for him :)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? nope!

Symptoms?  I think it's safe to say the nausea is gone! Sayonara!! Started getting some leg cramps during the night, but not bad.
Belly button in or out? still in!
What I miss: I'll be honest- sleeping all the way through the night!
What I am looking forward to:  Officially settling on a name for this chick! We are thisclose.
We also have an appointment with the doctor this week- haven't seen her in almost 4 weeks, so for me that's a long time! Not looking forward to stepping on the scale : / But I'm more looking forward to our follow-up/growth ultrasound in 3 weeks. Hoping she decides to show her face!!
Weekly wisdom: I'm convinced just like you can have food aversions when you're pregnant (which I know nothing about!), foods can taste so much better while you are pregnant! For me, it's fruit. I feel like all fruit I eat is so much more flavorful than before. And that's why I can't stop eating it (or that dang sorbet...)
Milestones:over the 20 week "hump"- officially onto the last half! (whoa!)

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