Thursday, May 17, 2012

Registering and random thoughts

Registering for a baby might as well be a synonym for overwhelming! When someone asks "How are you feeling?" and you feel overwhelmed, just say "I feel like I'm registering for a baby!". Seriously though, while I was expecting it to be somewhat overwhelming, I thought it would be really fun (it was fun, but more "whoa" than "this is so fun!!"). I remember being so excited to register for our wedding and it was definitely fun. But wedding registries and baby registries (at least for the first baby) are different since for a baby, you are basically starting from scratch and most of it feels way more important that what kind of dish you're going to eat off of or the trashcan you want in your bathroom. And there aren't many products that are just hands down the best, like a Kitchen Aid stand mixer ;) Plus, that just mixes food...we're talking about safety for a child here! So in anticipation for registering, I did my best to prepare. I read books and blogs for recommendations, I researched products, I printed registry cheat sheets...but when they handed us the scanner and I had 10,000 (maybe a little bit of an exaggeration...maybe just 8,000...) bottles staring me in the face, I didn't feel so prepared! So many decisions! I wish someone could show me one item and say, "this is the best, the safest, and guaranteed your baby will for sure love it"...buuut it's just not that easy :) Of course you want the absolute best for your baby, but there just isn't an absolute best of anything for every baby. It's all up to your (and baby's) preference. I am glad that we got started though. Now I have plenty of time to see what we have on there and what we really do (or don't) need. It also brought up some questions, so now we have time to get those answered! Having said all that, while it was a little overwhelming, we did have fun and made some progress (and decisions!)!

Some random thoughts/discoveries from our registering adventure...
- We have narrowed the stroller down to two options. One is a travel system, the other can be made into a double stroller when the time comes. Once we decide on a stroller, the car seat decision will also be made!
- J is freaked out by the sounds the popular "Sleep Sheep" makes...really freaked out "these sounds are scary!" haha (she's still getting one :)
- Having a girl means even your husband wants to get pink stuff!
- Still a little overwhelmed by breast pumps and bottles...uh? We'll get there!

With all of the indecisions(?), there are some things we know for sure...and that feels good!
- We are going to be cloth diaper-ers! While I'm a little nervous about the "extra" that comes with it, I'm really excited! They will save us quite a bit of money, we get to help the Earth, AND they are CUTE! :) I did a lot of research on these a couple weeks ago and have it narrowed down to 2 brands- thinking we'll just just do half and half!
- We are NOT using reusable/cloth wipes. I love you Mother Earth, but not that much
- Thanks to some acquaintances, we got a great deal on a Bumbo with tray, Pack N Play (with the features we wanted-bonus!- and it's gender neutral), and an activity jumper- I love good deals!
- We have a couple of the big pieces for her room and the rest we know what we want, we just have to go get it/order it! (nursery and inspiration post coming soon!!)

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