Sunday, May 20, 2012

23 Weeks

How far along? 23 weeks (picture taken at 23 weeks, posting this 23 weeks/6 days :)
Maternity clothes?  Still mostly wearing normal people clothes (although the pants are several sizes larger than what I wore several weeks ago!). I wear my black maternity pants at least once a week to work and my belly band several times a week.
Movement?  Oh yeah! I was even able to see her punching/kicking the other night! She also poked the ultrasound probe at our fetal echo this week- I think she's had enough of the doctor appointments this week (we had 3 total!)
candycandycandy. I still looove strawberries and really any fruit!
Anything make you queasy or sick? no and thank you!
Sleep?  it has most definitely been better...
Best moment this week: SO many this week! I'm going to have to list them :)

- had our follow up/growth ultrasound and we were able to get pictures of everything we couldn't get last time (face, profile, etc) and everything looked great! We could also really see her hands/fingers and feet/toes- SO CUTE! She's also measuring right on track- pretty much everything was in the 23 week range (or mid-30 to low 50th percentile) and her estimated weight is 1 pound 3 ounces (43rd percentile)
- when I got pregnant, my A1c was 7.4. My 1st trimester A1c was 6.2. I had it checked this week, it's down to 5.7!!! This is my best EVER! (or at least as long as I can remember)
- at our fetal echo she was being very photogenic! (about time!) They were able to get very clear images of her heart and arteries (and everything else I can't remember the names for...) and from what they can tell, her little heart looks perfect!
Gender: healthy, healthy girl!
Labor signs?
no- we have 17-ish weeks to go and I'm keeping her in as long as possible!
Symptoms? ok, I'm going to get real this week about some "symptoms" I haven't yet put out there, but want to remember and so other people know they are normal, too! Rapidly growing (and tender!) "chest"...crazy, short little hairs sprouting from the front of my hairline (kind of like little bangs that stick straight times)...nails are stronger and growing faster...I've noticed my leg hairs grow slower- I like that!...BREAKOUTS ("backne"...omg and don't know what to do?!) tummy is getting fuzzy (hoping I don't look like J by the end of all of this ;)...slowly becoming more insulin resistant and upping my insulin doses (this is normal!)...
over the past month or so, I've noticed I'm getting really clumsy! Running into things, dropping things...and let's not forget this baby brain that has started up!
Belly button in or out? in, but shallow
What I miss: I miss using the creams that used to keep my breakouts under control! These hormones are freaking my body OUT. And being tan- tanning seems to help with breakouts, too.

What I am looking forward to:  hopefully putting together some nursery furniture this weekend!
Milestones: she has hit the one pound mark!! You grow girl!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"You grow girl!"
Stephanie-I laughed so hard at that! I don't know if it caught me off guard or what but I almost peed myself! So...LOL (for real)!!!