Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Celebrating Halfway!

Emily sent me a link to a site where one mom-to-be made a list of things she loves and loathes about being pregnant at her halfway point. It was really cute! And although I'm a little over halfway, I thought it would be fun to make a list of my own. I really don't want to use the word "loathe" because there's really nothing I loathe about being pregnant (so far!) and like I've said before, I feel so blessed to be where I am and don't want to sound like a big whiner! So I'll just stick to some things I don't particularly just love ;) I am feeling great and feel so fortunate that this has been such a smooth pregnancy thus far and that we have a healthy little girl to meet in a few months!

I LOVE feeling her move around! And I really love when J is able to feel her move :)

I don't love spending $40 on a tube of stretch mark cream. I know, I know- it's more about genetics, but I think it's a mental thing at least knowing I'm trying to prevent it...

I love that my mom makes us food every week so that I don't have to worry about what we're going to have or making it- THANK YOU Mom!! (and keep it coming! ;)

I don't love how often I have to get up to go to the bathroom. I think I need a temporary office set up closer to the restrooms!

I love that being pregnant has motivated me to eat healthier, take more walks (good for me, baby, and Cash!), and really get my blood sugars under control. I hope I can keep it up even after she's here! But this has shown me that I really can do it and it's not impossible.

I love/don't love that I'll be mega prego in the middle of a Tennessee Summer...I am glad that skirts and maxi dresses are an option, but heat + humidity + having a watermelon sized belly= enough said

I don't love being high risk, but I do love the fact that it allows us to monitor her so closely, hear her heartbeat every other week, and watch her grow!

I love that I don't worry as much as I used to- being pregnant and not really able to control a lot or knowing at all times what's going on is hard. I really realized I needed to put my trust in God and know He is going to take care of me and Baby E!

Ok, now I'm ready to really celebrate the halfway+ milestone with a pedicure!

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

you are doing a great job taking care of your baby and yourself ~

i'm so excited!!!