Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year

So, I was thinking...maybe one of my resolutions should be to do better about blogging. I have totally neglected this blog! And to think I had such high hopes and "SO" many things to blog about...oops... But it's a new year, so why not a new start for the blog? :) I wanted to share my resolutions for this year, in hopes that writing them down will help me stick to them!
*Create a budget and stick to it!
*Try to be more of a morning person (and get to work by 8!)
*Blog more (maybe I'll start with once a week...)
*Eat more fruits and veggies!

Then there are some goals/things I'd like to see happen this year, but aren't totally in my control/possible all in one year :)
*Complete our to-do list for the house (painting, painting, PAINTING)
*Sell our house and move into a new one (new one preferably in Murfreesboro)
*See a light rail/train system in Middle TN (might be waiting several years for this one, but I would still LIKE to see it happen this year :)
*Europe or Hawaii: travel to one of these in 2012! Need to decide where....

2011 was a great year, but I am definitely looking forward to 2012. Every year has it's hard times and we did have our share. But this year was full of happy, joyful times, and the good definitely outweighs the bad. We celebrated a dear friend's wedding, shared in the joy and anticipation of our friends Chris and Emily's baby, Finley, coming this year (!), welcomed our friends Kelly and Josh's new baby boy Sawyer, celebrated our 2nd anniversary in Europe with an amazing trip to London, Paris, and a good chunk of Italy- just to mention a few. 2011 was another year of health, love, and happiness! So much to be grateful for! We are definitely blessed, and can't wait to see what 2012 brings us and where the year will take us. So 2012, bring it :)

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