Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oh Man-hattan.

So the Mr. and I went on our long weekend trip to New York City a couple weeks ago. We had a blast! We made full use of our days there, getting up with the sun and staying out way too late (which equals little sleep and lots of exhaustion!), but we got to see and do a lot which is typically how we roll on our "vacations". We were able to check nearly everything off our to-do list...and it was a long list.
Here are a few cell phone pictures...eventually I will get the good ones up! :) 
(does that first building below look familiar, 'friends'?? ;)

Double yum
Cafeteria. Yum.
Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup for breakfast at Cafeteria...why not?

Didn't see any filming, but saw the tshirt!

i <3 candy.

And last, not only getting to go to a taping of Jimmy Fallon, but J got selected to be ON the show! It was awesome. Check it out:

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