Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thrilled is an understatement.


 I'm preggo :)
Yep, we're having a baby.
Baby E is due September 10, 2012!! 

Here's a quick recap :) On Wednesday, January 11th, I took 2 (and a third the morning of the 12th...and a fourth on the 14th JUST to be sure!) pregnancy tests...positive, positive, positive (and yes, still positive on the 14th :).  I don't know if I have ever felt so many emotions all at one time! I always imagined I'd tell J in a fun and creative way. Yeah well, I didn't know how I would feel when I saw that second line pop up either! When J got home from work, I asked him to come look at something and showed him the test. I asked "do you see a second line? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Do you see TWO lines?!". He sure did! (it was faint- now we know I was only 5 weeks at that point which is fairly early to show on an at home test, I think). Somehow I managed to sleep that night, but woke up bright and early full of excitement the next day (when I took test #3). I got to work early due to my ecstatic enthusiasm and counted down the minutes until my doctor's office opened. Loooong story short (I'll get more into the details another time), I got an appointment scheduled for today (1/18) and it has been a week full of nerves (is this really happening?! Is everything ok??), excitement (we are having a BABY!), anxiety (I can't tell ANYONE! AH!), and joy (we are SO blessed!!). I feel sooo much better after seeing our sweet baby today and hearing its precious heartbeat. I am hoping to do a good job of keeping up with weekly posts- I want to remember as much as I can about this experience.
...for this child, I have prayed... 

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