Monday, January 30, 2012

8 Weeks

How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain? forgot to weigh this morning...but I feel about the same. However, I can tell that my belly is expanding little by little
Maternity clothes? no- one advantage to losing weight before I got pregnant, most of my clothes are actually starting to fit in the waist!
Movement? no
Cravings?  anything strawberry, but most others just seem to hit me and my mouth starts watering for it. This weekend it was a butterfinger blizzard- YUM.
Anything make you queasy or sick? not since the mushroom sighting!
Sleep? Great, just can't seem to get enough of it!
Best moment this week: Being able to go to dinner with my family and talk about the baby!
Gender prediction: still don't have one...although, I have thought about the fact that all of my cousins who have children, their first has been a boy every.single.time. So, I'm wondering if we will carry this on or break the tradition??
Labor signs? Nope
Symptoms? TIRED, nausea (luckily not daily), getting a little hungrier. Oh and I sneezed while I was laying down the other night and felt like someone stabbed my pelvic bones! Good ole ligament pain...
Belly button in or out? way in
What I miss: not stressing over my blood sugars as much (even though my blood sugars will probably be the best they have ever been, which is great for me and the baby), but every high value gets me worried. There's so much to think about when pregnant, and even more when you're a diabetic!
What I am looking forward to: our doctor appointments this week and hopefully getting to hear the heartbeat again!
Weekly Wisdom: Even if I don't feel symptoms (like nausea) every single day, it's ok! (and I should be grateful!!)
Milestones: We told my best friends we're expecting last week! Whew, that was a relief :)

I love how Cash is totally rolling his eyes at me in this one. Ooh,'s only just begun!

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