Saturday, March 28, 2015

33 Weeks


How far along? 33 weeks
Weight Gain: Ah geez. Gained 5lbs in two weeks. Well on my way to gaining what I did with Claire!
Maternity clothes? About half and half still. Some non-maternity pieces are getting awfully tight in the waistband though...  
Movement?  Lots!  
Cravings? Nothing major this week I don't think. Still loving my one can of Diet Pepsi a day. Lemonade almost always sounds good. Pretzels and chocolate (surprise!) also top the list.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope, but very leery of grilled or fajita chicken. Nuggets, shredded, baked, don't seem to bother me.

Sleep? Sleep is pretty good! It does hurt my pubic bone when I roll from one side to the other, so that stinks, and if I stay on one side too long my hips start to hurt, but it's not terrible Best moment this week: I had my first (regularly scheduled) BPP ultrasound Monday and they let us see her in 3D! It was incredible! I gasped when they showed me her face. She looks EXACTLY like baby Claire. I couldn't believe it! I may have cried a little. I have always thought 3D images look so much alike, but when I saw that face, it was just AMAZING how much they look alike. And yes, she has hair ;) We didn't get a weight estimate, but should next week. Also had a perfect NST Thursday, so her little heart is acting just as it should. Yay!

Gender: Sweet sister look alike girly :)
Labor signs? Just the BH contractions. Sometimes they cause some discomfort, but not always.
Symptoms? Same ole stuff as last week...

Belly button in or out? I think I can stop answering this one. It's out and not going back in until it's time to meet this baby!
What I miss: Rolling from side to side and getting pants on and off without pain
What I am looking forward to: Our baby "sprinkle" this weekend!! One of my closest friends and her sweet mom are hosting and I can't wait to celebrate baby Kate :)

Mommy, big sister, and the bump!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

32 Weeks


How far along? 32 weeks
Maternity clothes? I did wear my maternity jeans a lot this week...but I kind of just want to live in lose, stretchy or pajama pants! I change out of the jeans as soon as we get home!
Movement?  Still moving tons! Gets the hiccups several times a day.
Cravings? Diet Pepsi! I usually only drink Diet Coke, but lately I have just had to have Diet Pepsi!!! (Caffiene free, of course) And cheese. Can't get enough of either! But limiting myself on both.
Anything make you queasy or sick? I haven't been chewing much gum these days. When I do it's usually fruity because my usual mint flavors have been making me feel a little sick when I chew them. Which is weird since mint usually helps with that!
Sleep? Sleep has been great. Still working on an earlier bedtime though!
Best moment this week: After weeks of sinus yuck, Claire and I finally got to meet baby Brody!! She helped me feed him a bottle, but the best part was when we let her hold him. It made her year I think! She was so good and sweet with him. She kept pointing out all of his features, giving him kisses on his forehead, and had both arms around him holding him tight. At one point she leaned over and whispered, "it's ok baby, I got you". SO SWEET! It was so good to see her do so well with another baby and I know she is going to be such a great big sister :)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Just the BH contractions
Symptoms? Lack of energy (really hits me around 5/5:30 in the evenings); indigestion (an unexpected ultrasound this week revealed she does have hair!); starting to really feel my belly stretch, especially on my right side. She likes to hang out on my right side with her butt pushing either out or up into my ribs; pubic bone pain (u/s also showed she's head down and has her head pretty far down, so I'm thinking this is probably not helping the pain!), but it's really not bad overall.
Belly button in or out? Popped. Claire loves to touch it. So weird.
What I miss: Energy! I feel so much less productive most days. 
What I am looking forward to: Checking in on her Monday at our ultrasound :)
Milestones: Well, not a milestone to be celebrated, but I had my first trip to Labor and Delivery Thursday.I had my first routine non-stress test (NST) Thursday morning and the results were "non-reactive" meaning her heart rate was not responding to her movements as it should. Her heart rate itself was great (should be between 110-160 and was in the mid-150s), but when she moves, it should jump up about 10 beats and it wasn't. They sent us to L&D for more monitoring (another NST), then an ultrasound to make sure everything looked okay, such as my placenta, fluid levels, etc. It was nerve wracking and scary, but she scored 8/8 on the BPP (ultrasound) and as long as she's moving around regularly, we can assume all is well in there- which she is! :) My doctor explained that the nerves that control her heart rate may not be mature enough yet to elevate her heart rate when she moves, but I have another NST next Thursday and I'm hoping for normal results!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

31 Weeks


How far along? 31 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still getting away with a lot of non-maternity. Although my yoga pants are pretty much out of the picture. Just getting too tight on my stomach and I don't want to stretch them out!
Weight gain: Finally had my weigh in after 6 weeks! And it wasn't bad!! I gained 8lbs since my last appointment 6 weeks ago. I'll take it! (Although, I'm pretty sure I'm on track to gain about the same as I did with Claire. Oh well!)
Movement?  Lots and lots! I told Dr. Garrison this week I think she's awake more than asleep in there. She still seems to prefer lounging on the right side. She also gets the hiccups all the time!
Cravings? Can't think of anything that really sticks out this week (other than the usual...SWEETS!)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Still cautious with chicken, but had some the other day with no issues
Sleep? Sleep is pretty good. Still trying to make myself get to bed earlier! Had one night this week where I woke up a couple of times from hip pain (so it begins...definitely remember this with Claire), so I started sleeping with a pillow between my knees (as well as the one under my belly) and it hasn't happened since. Hopefully I can delay it a bit longer with all the pillows!
Best moment this week: A good check-up and Claire has been really into playing "baby doctor". We have a doppler at home and she's gotten it out a couple of times this week. She instructs me to lay down on the couch and hands me the gel and the doppler. Her face lights up when we hear the heartbeat :) Then it's "Claire James" turn and she lays on the couch and pulls up her shirt. It's really cute. The doppler makes loud noises when you move it around, so she'll say "Hear that? Lion! Roooar!"
Gender: Still a girl as far as we know! ;)
Labor signs? Had what I think was mild cramping, but wasn't associated with my Braxton Hicks, so it could be a variety of things. My doctor wasn't concerned, so I'm not either!
Symptoms? Not as much energy these days; had a few bouts of indigestion this week- which reminds me, I wonder if she will have a head full of hair or not?! I think after Claire, it would be so strange to have a bald baby!!; mild cramping; pubic bone pain; running out of breath easily- reading to Claire, walking up the stairs, even just standing still holding Claire makes me feel like I'm out of breath, haha (that is like an extra 60lbs I'm carrying when I hold her!); I noticed in this week's picture my hair is getting crazy long! Maybe the hormones are making it grow super fast?
Belly button in or out? Out to stay (or for the next 8ish weeks!)
What I miss: Not much honestly. Other than maybe not loving the pubic bone pain or running out of breath walking from one room to the other ;)
What I am looking forward to: I am so curious to know what she is going to look like!! But I am not in a rush! My weekly ultrasounds start super soon (32 weeks!!), so I'm hoping we might get some "previews"
Milestones: Does hitting the 30lb weight gain mark count? Eek. I also got my Rhogam shot this week (because I am RH-Negative) so I can check that off the list! And Claire hated seeing mommy get a shot :( She recovered quickly once the nurse was done and saw I got a band-aid and was ok :) 

A few with the big-sister-to-be (well, sort of. She was busy eating an apple, but had to be sure she was standing right next to me) :)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

30 Weeks


 How far along? 30 weeks (I don't know if anyone reads these, but anyone notice last week I titled the post 28 weeks AND answered 28 here?? Losing it!)
Weight gain? I had to cancel my appointment Thursday due to the snow we got, so another week of bliss not knowing ;)
Maternity clothes? Some days yes, some days no
Movement? Very active little girl!

Cravings?  I got my lime margarita (tequila free, of course), but would love another!!! Still love cherries, candy, hamburgers....the usual :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Chicken a couple times over the last month. The idea of eating it doesn't bother me, and sometimes I eat it and am fine, but I've had a couple times while eating it that I thought I was going to be really sick :(
Sleep? Go to sleep easily and sleep great until I wake up. Once I'm up, regardless of time, I'm up (boo)
Best moment this week: More consignment sales!! I forgot how fun it is to shop for a baby. And two girls makes it even more fun! So many sweet things.
I also had a fun belated birthday dinner with some of my close girlfriends- it was fun to get out and catch up with them! And get that "margarita"
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? Nothing other than occasional Braxton Hicks
Symptoms? Same ole- pubic bone pain (there is a fancy name for this, I just can't remember what it is) is worse some days than others. Over the past couple of weeks, I have started needing to stuff a small pillow or roll up a blanket to support this belly when I lay on my side. This isn't really a "symptom", but pregnancy related, and I don't remember this happening with Claire- sometimes when she's moving a lot (or bigger movements) I'll hear clicking sounds. It's happened several times over the last few months, so weird! I googled it and said it's normal and could be several things- one being her ligaments popping! It's just weird to think I could actually be hearing her
Belly button in or out? Completely out
What I am looking forward to: Hoping to get into the doctor this week and will schedule future appointments. Looking forward to our next ultrasound which should be later this month and seeing how she's grown! (Not so much looking forward to the twice weekly visits that are about to start....but gotta do what you gotta do!)
Milestones: Single digit week countdown until she's here- 9 WEEKS!

Claire blur helping me get the lighting right :)