Saturday, February 28, 2015

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Weight gain? Find out soon...
Maternity clothes? Pretty much live in leggings and yoga pants (some maternity, some not) and wearing more maternity tops.
Movement?  All the time! I was thinking she moves more than Claire did, but remembered my placenta padded a lot of Claire's kicks and punches. Or maybe she does move more and will be just as wild as Claire! ;)

Cravings?  A lime margarita!! And chocolate.
Anything make you queasy or sick? No
Sleep? Don't go to bed as early as I should, but I sleep great! Unless I wake up early in the morning around 4 or later...sometimes I can't get back to sleep. Yuck.
Best moment this week: Ha, pretty much all I can remember about this week is all the consignment shopping I did!! Got some great stuff for both girls :) It's just so fun! We also had a new little friend join us on Thursday morning- our friend Nicole had her baby boy, Brody :) I keep saying I'm glad I'm already pregnant because these babies are giving me baby fever!
Gender: Girl <3 comment-3--="">
Labor signs? Nothing other than occasional Braxton Hicks
Symptoms? Same stuff for the most part. Starting to get full faster at meals as my belly grows and my stomach runs out of room!
Belly button in or out? Out
What I am looking forward to: Seeing what this baby is going to look like!! Will she look like her sister? More like me or more like J? Can't believe we will know in just a little over 2 months!
Milestones: Third trimester!! (WHAT!?)

Claire helping me get the light right ;)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wrapping Up the 2nd Trimester!

Second trimester, I love you. After getting over the daily nausea around week 18, I felt so great this trimester!! And it's such a fun one because it's when you really start feeling the baby move and can find out the gender! I have to say, this pregnancy is FLYING by! Can't believe she will be here in 11 weeks (or less!!).

Friday, February 20, 2015

28 Weeks


How far along? 27 weeks
Weight gain? No idea. Not sure I want to know!  Ha
Maternity clothes? Still mixing it up and hopefully not stretching out my regular clothes along the way...
Movement?  This baby moves SO much! I think she's awake more than she's asleep. Lots of bigger rolls and movements this week.

Cravings? Other than candy, nothing in particular sticks out. We were iced in this week and didn't leave the house for a few days, so we made do with what we had here. Which was a lot of sweets left over from my birthday...oops! Claire and I baked some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and they didn't last very long :)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping well!
Best moment this week: Getting to see baby girl at our ultrasound Thursday! Claire was so excited to go to the "baby doctor" and hear the "heart beep" :) Our appointment wasn't until late afternoon and J took the day off, so we went to lunch (and FINALLY got out of the house!) and the whole way there Claire was asking "baby doctor?". She was ready to go after her nap when I woke her up and told her it was time to go to the doctor! :) Ultrasound was to check growth and just a routine ultrasound I have every 4 weeks after week 20. They check growth, breathing, organs, and maybe a couple other things. Her head was down and her feet were up in my right ribs- the right side is where I feel a lot of kicks. Claire liked hanging out on the right side, too. I guess that's the comfy spot in my uterus ;) She is measuring in the 42nd percentile and weighs about 2lbs 8oz. She was opening and closing her mouth and took a big yawn! Everything looked great.
I also hit 27 weeks on my birthday (aka 12 weeks max until she's here!) and we did some more birthday celebrating! Mom hung out with me and Claire during the day and we made cookies, had lunch at ChickFilA, and went to see Mr. Steve the Music Man at a candy shop in Green Hills- so really it was more of a fun day for Claire ;), but that's just part of being a mom! It's fun for me to see her having fun! Later, J and I went to a new burger place and saw a movie (and he brought home some of my favorite cupcakes from Cupcake Collection!). Sunday my mom, sisters, their boyfriends/husbands, and Cooper came over for a birthday dinner and hanging out to wrap up the birthday festivities. We had a lot of fun and I can't believe I'm 32. Whoa.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor signs? None
Symptoms? Still pretty tired in the evenings; some indigestion; pubic bone pain (I'm pretty sure that's not going anywhere for a while); rapidly growing belly ;)
Belly button in or out? Out.
What I miss: Not much! I do kind of miss not being scared every time Claire jumps on me, because she of course wants to land right on my belly!
What I am looking forward to: I keep saying this (and we keep making zero progress), but I really am looking forward to working on our projects around the house! I guess I'm more looking forward to the end result, but there's a lot of work that needs to be done between now and then!
Milestones: This past week was the last in the 2nd trimester!! Wow.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

More "snow"?!

Somehow we got another snow! Well, more like ice. The prediction was we would get several inches of snow, but it ended up being a lot of (dangerous) ice. And not much fun to play in- I think Claire is now scared of snow because we went out and the ice was slippery :( However, her idea of "playing" in the snow is eating it (and icicles) and throwing it ;) We did end up getting actual snow, but still had the layer of ice beneath it. It was still so pretty though!


Friday, February 13, 2015

27 Weeks


How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? I have decided dressing a bump is much easier in the Summer than the Winter! Long tanks and open cardigans are great, but flowy Summer tops and maxis were so easy! I hardly needed any maternity clothes with Claire. This time, I need more maternity tops to cover my belly and layer because coats zipped up hit at my belly button, haha. Luckily warm weather is not far away! That being said, I am still wearing mostly maternity and non-maternity leggings and non-maternity yoga pants. The best fitting non-maternity tops are my GapFit shirts (although I have a maternity one as well and I like wearing it in hopes I don't stretch the others out!).
Movement?  Still moving a ton during her really active times. She's also been hanging on my right side a lot this week. Little body parts have been poking up on that side and the top of my belly all week!

Cravings? Just give me all the candy. This is not good for my blood sugars though! And I'll probably have a new cavity by the time I have this baby : /
Anything make you queasy or sick? No, but I did have a few random waves of nausea this week...
Sleep? Sleep is still great! Unless I wake up during the night, I sometimes have a really hard time getting back to sleep.
Best moment this week: There were a few! 
On the day I hit 26 weeks (last Friday), she got the hiccups for the first time! I wasn't sure if that's what they were at first- I just remember Claire's being so strong, but that was probably closer toward the end of my pregnancy with her- but they were definitely little hiccups!
One night before bed while I was reading to Claire, she had her head on my belly and Kate kept pushing on it and Claire kept trying to find a new spot. Just a preview of things to come I'm sure, but it was sweet knowing Claire could feel her moving- but not knowing what was really going on!
We also celebrated our little friend Finley's 3rd birthday and had an early birthday lunch with some of my family at Miller's Grocery- so Kate got her first taste of that delicious food!! :)
Gender: Girl :)
Labor signs? nope, just the random Braxton Hicks.
Symptoms? The random nausea; pubic bone pain (ugh, apparently this is common and luckily it's not really bad and only hurts when I stand up from sitting on the floor and occasionally when walking); not AS hungry this week! I just get so hungry in the afternoon; I have been pretty wiped out around 5pm- probably partly pregnancy, partly staying up too late
Belly button in or out? flat, but starting to pop out at the top (or sometimes on the side...I guess it depends on her position?). When I lay down, it's completely flat.
What I miss: really not much at all. Although Claire had a rough day this week and I kept thinking how nice a glass of wine would be! ;)
What I am looking forward to: We have another ultrasound this week!
Milestones: Hiccups :)

Sometimes Claire thinks I have two baby bumps.... ;)

Friday, February 6, 2015

26 Weeks


How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? Mostly leggings- sometimes maternity, sometimes not- and mostly regular tops. My sleep shirts are starting to get short, so I will probably start stealing some of J's!
Movement?  Lots! Some days I won't feel much, but late at night I can always count on some major moving. Some days I feel her here and there all day long.
Cravings? Nothing really sticks out this week except for the usual, candy.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope
Sleep? I've been staying up too late, but once I go to bed I sleep great!  
Best moment this week: This week I was able to feel a foot or hand or elbow or something sticking out a little and was able to push it down my belly. So weird, but so neat!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs? nope!
Symptoms? I get pretty tired in the evenings and most nights feel like I could go to bed by 7! (But I never do). Hungry! Not constant, but about every 2 hours I'm super hungry. Some indigestion/reflux (that hair should be growing in around now...wonder if we will have another Elvis head of hair!)
Belly button in or out? pretty much completely flat
What I miss: I really don't have many complaints! When people ask how I'm feeling, I'm always saying how "normal" I feel. If I wasn't growing by the day and feeling little kicks and rolls in there, I would hardly know I'm pregnant!  
Weekly wisdom: Go to BED! Haha  
What I am looking forward to: Hiccups! Making progress on the girls' room (sounds so weird!!) and playroom!! I ordered a wooden monogram for her to match Claire's so both can have one above their bed :) I also took some things to get monogrammed this week for both of them. I think having stuff with her name on it is going to make this seem a little more real!
Milestones: Less than 100 days to go!! 

Claire was helping me get the light right :) 
Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen?!? 
(she likes to wear her stethoscope and listen to the baby's "heart beep" :)