I haven't been doing as good of a job posting between the weekly updates (sorry!). So here's a little nursery update to entertain you until the 37 week post! I know it's been forever since I've posted anything about the nursery. A lot has changed since I last posted. My plan has been to get it all done and do a final "reveal"...we are
almost there!
On my day off yesterday, I finally worked on a couple projects! I was going to put a curtain tie back on the wall for the window behind the glider (just have one panel on that window), but thanks to a friend's idea, decided to use the nursery fabric to just tie it in the middle. I think it turned out really cute! And this is something that is soooo super easy.
a little closer up (this is the fabric I will use for her bumper, too!) |
I really wanted to get the ottoman slipcover done before her arrival. It was #1 on my list of priorities and I finally just sat down and did it yesterday! I used this
tutorial and I am really happy with how it turned out. I was SO nervous, but it was actually pretty easy (I am a very novice sewer) and I just couldn't believe it when it actually fit! I used duck cloth because it went best with the chair, but maybe not the best fabric for a project like this. It is really stiff and I could not get the wrinkles out for anything. However, I think it looks great in the room and with the glider. I am going to take it off to iron the edges to give it a more "finished" look.
Before... ...and After!
close up |
A couple of weeks ago, I also made the ruffles for her lamp. This project was also incredibly easy. I simply cut three strips of fabric, hemmed the edges, sewed right down the middle using the widest stitch on my machine, pulled on one of the threads while pushing the fabric down to gather into a ruffle, and hot glued them to the lamp shade. Easy, easy, and I just love how it turned out!
To do:
Empty room, move furniture from guest room to office
Organize closet (she and I will be sharing!); including organizing her
clothes by size and hanging vs not hanging and using hanger tags
- Change light fixture- will probably do a fan---probably not going to happen before D-day!
Still need:
glider (still working on the color)
fabric: I am pretty sure I have decided on the fabric!!
- bedding:
crib sheet(s)- found several I like, just need to narrow it down to 2 or 3; bumper cover-
bought an almost new bumper from a friend of a friend that I am going to cover
lamp for dresser/changing table
frames for prints (thinking diy...)
prints/photos for picture ledges
baskets for shelf
pretty hardware for dresser/changing table
To make:
ruffle lamp shade (I want to try this using the floral fabric)
- sew trim to bottom of crib skirt
frames for elephant prints (using this tutorial)-
thinking about doing 3 different patterns or 2 of 1 pattern and one
other- stripes, dots, chevron- using white, pale pink, aqua, and maybe a
gold?? Decided to just buy some cute frames :)
- mobile(s)
- bumper cover
ottoman slipcover
To decide:
BEDDING!?: almost there!
Glider color
to use or not to use? and if so, where? (of course she'll need a name first, ah!!)- still not sure on these and STILL no name! Decided to just use her first initial :)
And while not working on projects (or doing one million other things), you can find me cuddled up with this little guy :) He's enjoying this time he still has his mom all to himself!
your sewing projects are pretty and cute :) good job! i miss cash when i see his little face in these pictures ~ looking forward to snuggling with him soon :D
love you!!!
oh! barb probably knows how to get the wrinkles out of the duck cloth :)
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