Sunday, August 12, 2012

35 Weeks

Countdown: 5 weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes? a mix- kind of getting tired of wearing the same things over and over, but oh well!
Movement? Just rolling and wiggling : ) Every so often I'll get a big kick that makes my whole belly jump!
Cravings? to J's disappointment, not much. He really hoped I would crave ice cream and stuff all the time so that he would have an excuse to pig out, too ; ) However, milkshakes have been sounding SO good this week!
Anything make you queasy or sick? I have been nauseous lately. Usually in the mornings or while eating
Sleep? overall I'm sleeping really well. I of course wake up to change position or use the bathroom, but I feel like when I am asleep, it's good sleep. However, I'm just tired no matter how much I sleep or don't sleep, but I still appreciate all that I get!
Best moment this week: seeing our sweet baby's face on the monitor. It was just so clear! The tech gave us a precious picture of her chin/nose/mouth. I just can't wait to meet her and kiss that sweet nose!
Gender: GIRL! (as confirmed 5 times now on ultrasound...someone isn't very modest)
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? BH contractions; tired; puffy some days, plain ole swollen others; back pain; nausea; sometimes my tailbone is sore (?)
Belly button in or out? OUT!
What I miss: being able to wear real shoes and not just flip flops!
Appointment Updates: Baby did great at her NST Monday. She was moving all around and getting that heart rate up!
Thursday's ultrasound went great as well. She checked out well on everything- moving, breathing, organs, etc- and is measuring in the 84th percentile! Whoa! Right now her estimated weight is 6lbs, 12oz. I think we're going to have a big girl ; ) The tech checked my fluid twice to be sure and got 25cm. This is still on the highest end of normal, but I was relieved to hear it wasn't measuring as high as last week. I also had my Group B Stress test this week- fun...
What I am looking forward to: we have a breastfeeding class this week that I've really been looking forward to. I'm pretty anxious about the whole breastfeeding thing since it seems to be such a challenge for most new moms, so I'm hoping it will help when the time comes! I'm also looking forward to meeting a potential pediatrician next week :)
Milestones: 35 weeks=35 (or less!) days to go!!! And started weekly doctor appointments this week

Look at her grow!

35/35 :)

Doing our Monday thing!

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