Sunday, August 5, 2012

34 Weeks

Countdown: 6 weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still mixing- I'd say about 20% maternity, 80% non
Movement? She rolls around or pushes against me almost constantly. It's becoming much easier to tell when she's sleeping! Every once in a while I will still get a little jab or kick, too :)
Cravings? nothing really!
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope...
Sleep? has been pretty good this week- hooray!
Best moment this week: once again...seeing her on the ultrasound! It's so fun to see her- this week she furrowed her brow and leaned her neck all the way back. We also got a shot of her little nose!! I can't believe we'll be kissing that nose soon :)
J and I found out this week that we are going to have a nephew! So that means baby E is going to have a boy cousin to boss around ;)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? BH contractions (still not ready to put this under "labor signs'!), tired, SWELLING (ankles, feet, a little bit in my hands), back pain, nausea (it's baaaaaaaaaack!)
Belly button in or out? Out. Every once in a while she will get in a position where it goes down (flat), but most of the time it's popped! P.S. the insides of belly buttons are weird...
What I miss: not much!
Appointment Updates: Non-stress test Monday was great! At the ultrasound Thursday, baby looked perfect. However, we found out my fluid (which was already at the high end of normal) had gone up quite a bit from the previous week. High fluid levels can cause pre-term labor, so I am just taking it easy and paying attention to the frequency of contractions.So far, nothing out of the norm (not painful, inconsistent)
What I am looking forward to: getting some more work done in the nursery!
Milestones: We will have a baby NEXT MONTH! August is here and she could be anytime, too! If I were to go into labor now, they wouldn't try to stop it. She's developed enough to be ok, but of course we'd like her to keep maturing :) I'm not sure if it was the appointment Thursday or what, but suddenly I'm feeling ready for this baby! It's still hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that we having a baby, but at the same time, I'm ready for her (or as ready as I can be :)

We started training Cash with the baby doll over the weekend. So far, he's doing really well with it. Usually when I carry around a toy, he chases after me or tries to jump up for it. He hasn't been doing that with the doll- just wants to sniff it and lick it. I'm hoping this is a good sign....but we'll see when that doll becomes a real life baby and is kicking and screaming!!

A few other shots from this week...

an adorable outfit I couldn't resist for next Summer!

Surprising Meg for her 29th birthday!

a little pancakes and syrup to wake someone up for their ultrasound ;)

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