Sunday, August 26, 2012

37 Weeks

Countdown: technically 3...but for us, TWO!

How far along? 37 weeks
Maternity clothes? mixing and wearing a lot of the same stuff over and over
Movement? just rolling that little butt from side to side. I took Thursday off from work and she must have loved it! She was moving all over the place especially in the afternoon and that night. You could just see my belly moving all over the place! She was head down at our appointment that morning, so I'm just hoping that wasn't her flipping over!!
Cravings? really wanted Taco Bell this week. Gross, I know, but yum.
Anything make you queasy or sick? the mornings!
Sleep? still can't complain! Sleeping really well, but still tired regardless.
Best moment this week: officially have our induction scheduled! It's SO weird how close it is... I also loved having Thursday off this week- was able to rest, relax, AND work on nursery projects! (about time, right??)
Gender: busy little girl
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? irregular contractions; tired; swelling; losing my breath easily; nausea; the urge to pee know, the norm :)
Belly button in or out? OUT! (and I swear it's off centered...)
What I miss: not much. I am really so grateful for such an easy pregnancy so far. Of course I could do without the constant exhaustion and puffiness, but otherwise I feel so great. I'm comfortable, I feel good, I can move around and do most things I want to- I just don't have much to complain about!
Appointment Updates:  Both appointments this week were uneventful- all looked good! At the NST, the monitor started picking up my contractions, so maybe this means they are getting stronger and actually DOING something. Ultrasound looked good, she gave them everything they were looking for pretty quickly, so we actually got done on time (for once!). She's moving, doing a great job with her breathing, and all that good stuff. Fluid levels are the same, they didn't check me so no update there. We got the call Monday that they have scheduled us to be induced on September 2nd. We will go in that night to get things started, but won't start Pitocin until mid-morning on the 3rd. I still can't believe we will meet our baby in less than 2 weeks!! But couldn't be more excited :)
What I am looking forward to: my last day of work next week and enjoying a couple of days to do whatever (aka do nothing if I so choose ;) before we meet the little lady! (that is unless she decides to come on her own, which is ok with me, too!!)
Milestones: Full term!! Woo hoo!

found these on our back porch when I got home the other day- sweet delivery from (almost) Aunt Laura :)

I can't believe I'm going to put this on the internet (and I hope this doesn't gross anyone out too much!), but I had to show yall this swelling!! It looks like I have little golfballs where my ankles used to be. The swelling goes right up to my toes and stops. You can even see the creases from my ankle fat rolls (especially on my right foot) from standing! Oy! Seriously, this swelling is no joke. I don't even know if I'll recognize my ankles when we meet again ;)

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

i know swollen ankles aren't funny, but i can just hear you saying "ankle fat rolls" and it makes me laugh :)

isn't it amazing how you can watch your belly and see her rolling around?! so cool

i love you <3