Friday, August 10, 2012

My Pregnancy Must Haves

Our due date is ONE MONTH from today! Can you believe it?! Because I sure can't. While I feel like this has been a long journey, I still can't believe we are just weeks away from meeting this sweet girl. However, I couldn't be more excited!

I thought this would be a good time to share some of my favorite items that have helped me through my pregnancy. The following things have been really helpful and/or I have with me at all times!

1. Nature Made Prenatal +DHA- these were the vitamins my doctor recommended, so I went with them. They stink (literally), but seem to be keeping us both healthy (just hold your breath when you open the bottle...)

2. PILLOWS- rather than using a body pillow, I just use a ton of pillows. Pillows to prop me up, put between my knees, to elevate my feet...we have pillows everywhere.

3. Kenra 25 Hairspray- this has been a lifesaver for all those new, short hairs sprouting out of my head!

4. Mustela Double Action Stretch Mark Cream- I know I've said this before, but while I know stretch marks are said to be hereditary, using this at least makes me feel like I'm trying to prevent them! Plus, it leaves my skin feeling super soft and it smells good, too :)
*Note: I don't use the Mustela very often because it's pricey. Most days I just use regular moisturizer with shea or cocoa butter. Now that we are nearing the end, I will probably start using the Mustela daily...just in case

5. Books! I do have a few books that I have found helpful. My favorites are "A Child is Born"- I like it because it's informative, but also has tons of cool pics from inside the womb! It's neat to have a real idea of what your baby looks like in there. "What to Expect When You're Expecting"- I like this book and I don't. I mostly stick to the front of each section talking about what to expect that month and what's happening with baby that month, the rest of the chapter I just skim through. "Baby Bargains"- along with internet research, this book was really helpful in giving ideas for products. They review several brands, give pros and cons, rate products, and also give suggestions on how to save on baby items! "Balancing Pregnancy with Pr-Existing Diabetes"- this one obviously isn't for everyone, but for me it's nice to have a book that I can refer to that's more specific to what I'm dealing with and covers all the extras that never cross most normal/healthy pregnancies radar. "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" is also a good one! Reading it is kind of like talking to a friend, rather than being more technical.

6. Pregnancy apps, websites, and emails! I have several books about pregnancy (see #5), but I find it easier to read the weekly updates on my apps and via email. I like BabyCenter because it gives you a daily calendar and something to read each day, along with the weekly updates (what's happening with baby that week and "your baby is the size of"). I also have Sprout lite, Hello Baby, and What to Expect apps (all free). For kick counts (and keeping up with contractions in the coming weeks), I like the Pregnancy Tracker Free app. You can email the results if you'd like and it will chart your contractions! In addition to the apps, I signed up to get emails from the following: The Bump, Baby Center,, Lucie's List, and, and Daily Babble.

7. A water bottle- I use this Tervis Tumbler and take it everywhere with me! I can't tell you how many times a day I fill it up. Plus I like that I can leave it on my desk and it keeps my water cold and doesn't "sweat" on my desk.

8. Belly Band- this is one of those things that is totally a personal preference, but I love mine! It definitely expands my options as far as pants go, even if I can't zip them up at all! (I got mine at Target)

9. Diet Ginger Ale (and yes, it had to be Canada Dry :) - this seriously helped me get through many rough mornings there in the beginning (and by beginning I mean until about 22 weeks!)

10. A loving, supportive partner- Whether it's a husband, friend, mom, whoever. I am so grateful for a husband who works so hard, comes to almost every appointment (I mean, I have a LOT and he doesn't need to come to all of them, but he comes to every "big" one or any I ask him to), runs out to get something I am craving (even if it's something he ate the LAST of ;)...I really appreciate all he does for me, and I know this little girl is going to have him wrapped around her finger :)

I should also add a #11 for Rolaids, I just don't feel like redoing the picture ; ) I carry a huge bottle in my purse at all times- just never know when that heartburn is going to strike. Ouch!

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

my face is hurting from all this grinning!!! i love you :)