Sunday, August 19, 2012

36 Weeks

Countdown: FOUR weeks!
(after this week we actually know it's more like THREE weeks!)

How far along? 36 weeks
Maternity clothes? still mixing- basically 2 pairs of maternity pants, 2 pairs of regular pants (cotton/stretchy), 4 non-mat skirts, and a few dresses (1 is maternity!). Really starting to love maternity tops though- having to tug way too much on regular shirts.
Movement? rolling around, little jumps/kicks every now and then, and the hiccups 2-3 times a day!
Cravings? still nothing. Fruit always sounds good though
Anything make you queasy or sick? just having an empty stomach- feel nauseous
Sleep? sleep has been pretty decent! Waking up 3-4 times a night to pee, but can typically fall back to sleep easily
Best moment this week: good reports at our doctors appointments and discussing a possible induction date! We also got to see a good picture of her face at the ultrasound- can't believe we'll be meeting her so soon! Also enjoyed spending some time with family and friends celebrating my mom and Kelly's birthdays!
Gender: Girl : )
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? BH contractions with some cramping, but no pattern; TIRED no matter what; Swelling- from my feet to my knees. If you press on my feet or legs, it looks like a memory foam mattress! I usually have "cankles" by the end of the day most days- although my doctor said my swelling isn't too bad considering the time of year, my fluid levels, and carrying around a bigger baby; nausea; going to the bathroom about 3,207 times a day...approximately ;)
Belly button in or out?out for the duration!
What I miss: this kind of goes along with last week, but I miss my ankles! They have just about disappeared. Sometimes I can get a glimpse of them first thing in the morning, but it doesn't take long to puff up.
Appointment Updates: NST looked great. She passed her ultrasound/BPP "flying colors"- the u/s tech had to shake my belly around a little bit to wake her up and she started shaking her head back and forth and waving her hand around :) My fluid is back up a little bit, but not as high as it was a couple of weeks ago. Despite all of the contractions and cramping, I'm not dilated any yet- just practicing I suppose... Our doctor also started to discuss an induction date as she would like to deliver while both me and baby are healthy and everything looks good. We are just waiting to hear back from the hospital scheduler- we are looking at the first week of September, so most likely she will be here by the 4th!!
What I am looking forward to: enjoying spending time with J over these next couple of weeks. Also want to let this girl "cook" a big longer (I'm not tired of being pregnant or even uncomfortable, so I'm fine with her staying put as long as is safe!) and get a few more things ready for her arrival
Milestones: Hello month 9 :) And tentatively scheduling an induction date!

1 comment:

mom/lulu said...

won't be long now!!! the best moment of joy in your life is almost here <3