Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One Month

On October 3rd, Claire turned a month old. This has been the fastest month of my life. The first 30 days with her just flew by. She's growing and changing, and while I'm grateful for this, I need her and time to slow down a little bit! We haven't really gotten in a routine quite yet. I'm not sure I can even call this a typical day, but most days look something like this:
-Wake up sometime between 4-7am to nurse (depending on when the previous feeding was- usually around 2-3am)
-Nap until about 9 or 10am when it's time to eat again
-Take Cash out and feed him, nurse, either nap or hang out in the swing or car seat while I quickly get ready
-The afternoon consists of tummy time, singing, talking, hanging out, nursing one or two times, and occasionally napping
-The evening is always different. Daddy J gets home anytime between 5:30-7pm (yay!) and it's usually time for her to eat again around this time. After she eats, she either goes to sleep or is wide awake (starting to see how unpredictable she is??) Some nights we have bathtime, too. J takes over until she's ready to eat again.  - We start making the house darker and creating a more quiet environment. When she's ready to eat, I usually feed her in bed as this usually helps her know it's time to go to sleep.
- Time to nurse between 2-3am
Of course there are lots of diaper changes in there!! She also nurses quite often. I feel like the above doesn't accurately reflect how often she eats...some days it feels like all I do is feed her. She also always sleeps better on days we get out of the house (for doctor appointments, picking up a drink from Sonic, etc- we haven't really gotten OUT yet). I'm giving credit to the car seat/car ride :)
We've basically done whatever feels natural - she sleeps when she sleeps and I feed her on demand. I'm hoping to get on more of a schedule in the next couple of months. I'm looking forward to a more predictable schedule, but that will take some time. Plus, babies are always changing! We have quickly learned that what works one day might not work the next. We're all just learning and adjusting. We'll get there :)

a few hours old


This first month with you has been so wonderful. I love spending every moment of every day with you. It's hard for me to remember life before you. It feels like you've always been in our lives. You are such a good, sweet baby (not to mention so pretty and just perfect!). Your daddy and I are some of the rare parents who can say we were not sleep deprived one day in your first month (other than in the hospital, but that wasn't really your fault :). Tired, yes, but so far, not one sleepless night. Or even close to it. (THANK YOU!!) And I try to nap when you nap- I think that's been a lifesaver! We are so, so blessed to have you! You are the best thing that has happened to us. I was one emotional mom for the first week of your life. I could not get over how blessed and lucky we are to have you. I am just in awe of you. It was so hard for me to believe that you were really here and OURS. Every time I did, I started to get that little lump in my throat and tears in my eyes! The little baby who I worried about and prayed for for 34 weeks, not to mention before we even found out about you, was here and so healthy and perfect! Lots of happy tears. I would also get teary eyed when you would cry and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Just heartbreaking! One day I hope you understand how much we love you and would do anything for you.

This month... got the hiccups for the first time (on the outside) on 9/4, just one day old! And yes, I cried! You had the hiccups all the time while you were growing inside me and those were some of my favorite moments. It was so different to hold your tiny body and feel and hear those same hiccups
...had your first bath at one day old (9/4). Your dad and I both made the trip to the nursery with you (I had to document it of course!). You were not a fan of the sponge bath, but you loved the water running over your head when they washed your hair were born weighing 9lb, 3oz. The next day you were down to 8lb, 11oz. On 9/5, you were down a few more ounces to 8lb, 5oz. It's ok, this is normal. And you've more than made up for it since! ;)
...we came home on Thursday, 9/6, so this was also your first car ride!
...your first appointment with your pediatrician was on a Saturday (9/8) to check on your weight. You weighed 8lb, 4.5oz, and the doctor was very pleased with this!
...we took our first walk around the neighborhood with you the Sunday after you were born, 9/9
...speaking of, you LOVE your car seat! Going on walks and rides in the are two of your favorite things. You love to be on the move! If we are walking and get fussy, I push the stroller in the grass or over some bumps and you are happy as can be :) In the stroller you love listening to me and your dad talk and look up at the trees (but you hate if the sun gets in your eyes!!) You also love staring out the window when we are in the car. But you also like just sitting in your car seat. It has allowed me to take showers when it's just the two of us and for me and your dad to eat dinner while you sit and watch

...the pediatrician's office was the first to call me Claire's mom..."Hi, is this Claire's mom?" Well, yeah, I guess it is :)
...on Friday, 9/14, your umbilical cord stump fell out!! However, we never found it. I changed your diaper once and it was there, the next time...gone! Not sure if it's wedged in the couch or hidden somewhere. Everyone seems to think Cash might have eaten it!!
Cute baby belly button stump free! also cried your first tear on 9/14- break my heart! are one gassy little girl! But we have lots of tricks we try to help push it out. This is one of those things where bicycle legs work one day, but nothing seems to work the next. It's so sad to watch! I'm also trying to figure out if something I'm eating is causing it. Fingers crossed this gets better soon! are so alert! Some days you take multiple naps for several hours at a time, but most days you take a few cat naps and while awake you are wide eyed and looking everywhere (well, mostly at ceilings or anything on the ceiling like fans or lights, walls and light reflecting off the walls, and windows during the day) are very expressive! I think I will have to do a post dedicated to all your funny faces!
two days old
...since your umbilical stump fell out, we were able to give you your first real bath on Monday, 9/17! I don't know if you could decide whether or not you enjoyed definitely don't like the part where we take you out of the water!!And girlfriend, your hair is WILD after a bath!
before bath (sorry, your dad hardly ever wears a shirt around the house!) had your two week follow-up on September 19th. You had a great check up and weighed 9lb, 0.5oz (80th percentile) and were 21 1/2 inches long (90th percentile)
...despite being a little chunk, you are wearing some newborn clothes (honestly, I only bought one NB outfit because I thought there was no way NB would fit you!) and mostly 0-3 month (although the newborn clothes fit you much best, while the 0-3 are loose and long on your arms and legs)
...this first month you slept for, on average, three hour stretches. On October 2nd, you slept for six hours straight!! It was amazing for your mommy. I never imagined how good sleeping five uninterrupted hours could feel. However, this has been the one and only occurrence so far...again, we'll get there! One great thing is that you seem to have had your days and nights figured out from day one- this has been such a wonderful thing and something that I think has helped us get some sleep, even if for only a couple hours at a time ;)
...the last week of month one you started smiling a lot more. You have an adorable open mouthed grin and a sweet little dimple by the right corner of your mouth- I can't get enough of it! I'm convinced it's a real smile and not just a reflex. Also, during one of your middle of the night feedings on September 30th, you gave me a little laugh! I know you were a day shy of being four weeks old, but I swear it was a laugh. And the sweetest, cutest laugh I've ever heard! It literally sounded like "ha, ha, ha" :)

...I try to keep you entertained the best that I can. One favorite activity is singing. Since you've been here, I've realized I don't know many lullabies/nursery rhymes by heart, so "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "You Are My Sunshine" are often on repeat. Oh, and "Jingle Bells", because you don't know it's not Christmastime, right?! ;) You seem to like Jingle Bells the most though. Other times we play a Pandora station and I'll sing along...or make up words when I have no idea what they are ;) This is the face you sometimes give me when I sing. Not so sure, huh? (and yes, hanging in the car seat again!) love to be held. Like, all the time. Especially when you sleep. Of course this is something we will have to work on, and although it might make getting things done really hard, I'm enjoying it for now. also don't really love being on your tummy (unless it's while laying on top of someone), but we work in tummy time when we can. Usually in very short spurts! The places we have the most success are on the changing pad (I try to roll you over to get some time in after most changes) and my chest

...we haven't given you a paci yet, but we will let you suck on our finger to help soothe you. Works every time. I have a feeling you are going to LOVE the paci!

This first month has been busy! I love having you in our lives and can't imagine our lives without you. I'm so grateful God chose us to be your parents. I love you sweet girl!

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