Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Brand New

Hair Color: a head full of black hair!
Eye Color: dark grey/blue
Distinguishing Features: lots of hair! Mommy's lips; big, squishy cheeks; very almond shaped eyes; covered in fuzz
Who people think I look like: most said they could see both of us, but others couldn't really tell!
My Distinct Characteristics: you have a silent, squeaky cry before you let out the big, loud cry!
Actually, you make lots of little squeaks :) very expressive with wide (sometimes crossed ;) eyes that look so surprised! Raising and furrowing your eyebrows all the time. When you move your eyebrows, your ears move up and down (your dad's do this, too)

I pulled these from Claire's baby book :) By the way, what is sweeter than a new, squishy, cuddly baby?! Ah!

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