Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Baby face

With this little bean's arrival just around the corner, I can't help but wonder what (or who) she is going to look like! We've gotten several sneak peeks via ultrasound, so it will be interesting to see how much she looks like the pictures- or doesn't! We haven't had any 3D or 4D (since the gender ultrasound at 16 weeks which is not a good representation of how she'll look), but I feel like we have gotten some pretty clear pictures from our recent ultrasounds. Most people think she looks like me- I'm pretty sure that's because of the full lips and cheeks ; ) And I think she may have my sister's feet. It's fun to think about what she'll look like- whose ears will she have? Whose eyes? Will she have hair? What color?? I can't believe we will know within the week!

Baby J brand new

Baby Stephanie (not sure how old here?)
Baby girl  35 weeks (all smooshed in there!)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

37 Weeks

Countdown: technically 3...but for us, TWO!

How far along? 37 weeks
Maternity clothes? mixing and wearing a lot of the same stuff over and over
Movement? just rolling that little butt from side to side. I took Thursday off from work and she must have loved it! She was moving all over the place especially in the afternoon and that night. You could just see my belly moving all over the place! She was head down at our appointment that morning, so I'm just hoping that wasn't her flipping over!!
Cravings? really wanted Taco Bell this week. Gross, I know, but yum.
Anything make you queasy or sick? the mornings!
Sleep? still can't complain! Sleeping really well, but still tired regardless.
Best moment this week: officially have our induction scheduled! It's SO weird how close it is... I also loved having Thursday off this week- was able to rest, relax, AND work on nursery projects! (about time, right??)
Gender: busy little girl
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? irregular contractions; tired; swelling; losing my breath easily; nausea; the urge to pee constantly...you know, the norm :)
Belly button in or out? OUT! (and I swear it's off centered...)
What I miss: not much. I am really so grateful for such an easy pregnancy so far. Of course I could do without the constant exhaustion and puffiness, but otherwise I feel so great. I'm comfortable, I feel good, I can move around and do most things I want to- I just don't have much to complain about!
Appointment Updates:  Both appointments this week were uneventful- all looked good! At the NST, the monitor started picking up my contractions, so maybe this means they are getting stronger and actually DOING something. Ultrasound looked good, she gave them everything they were looking for pretty quickly, so we actually got done on time (for once!). She's moving, doing a great job with her breathing, and all that good stuff. Fluid levels are the same, they didn't check me so no update there. We got the call Monday that they have scheduled us to be induced on September 2nd. We will go in that night to get things started, but won't start Pitocin until mid-morning on the 3rd. I still can't believe we will meet our baby in less than 2 weeks!! But couldn't be more excited :)
What I am looking forward to: my last day of work next week and enjoying a couple of days to do whatever (aka do nothing if I so choose ;) before we meet the little lady! (that is unless she decides to come on her own, which is ok with me, too!!)
Milestones: Full term!! Woo hoo!

found these on our back porch when I got home the other day- sweet delivery from (almost) Aunt Laura :)

I can't believe I'm going to put this on the internet (and I hope this doesn't gross anyone out too much!), but I had to show yall this swelling!! It looks like I have little golfballs where my ankles used to be. The swelling goes right up to my toes and stops. You can even see the creases from my ankle fat rolls (especially on my right foot) from standing! Oy! Seriously, this swelling is no joke. I don't even know if I'll recognize my ankles when we meet again ;)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Nursery {Projects!}

I haven't been doing as good of a job posting between the weekly updates (sorry!). So here's a little nursery update to entertain you until the 37 week post! I know it's been forever since I've posted anything about the nursery. A lot has changed since I last posted. My plan has been to get it all done and do a final "reveal"...we are almost there!

On my day off yesterday, I finally worked on a couple projects! I was going to put a curtain tie back on the wall for the window behind the glider (just have one panel on that window), but thanks to a friend's idea, decided to use the nursery fabric to just tie it in the middle. I think it turned out really cute! And this is something that is soooo super easy.
a little closer up (this is the fabric I will use for her bumper, too!)

I really wanted to get the ottoman slipcover done before her arrival. It was #1 on my list of priorities and I finally just sat down and did it yesterday! I used this tutorial and I am really happy with how it turned out. I was SO nervous, but it was actually pretty easy (I am a very novice sewer) and I just couldn't believe it when it actually fit! I used duck cloth because it went best with the chair, but maybe not the best fabric for a project like this. It is really stiff and I could not get the wrinkles out for anything. However, I think it looks great in the room and with the glider. I am going to take it off to iron the edges to give it a more "finished" look.
Before...                                                                      ...and After!
close up

A couple of weeks ago, I also made the ruffles for her lamp. This project was also incredibly easy. I simply cut three strips of fabric, hemmed the edges, sewed right down the middle using the widest stitch on my machine, pulled on one of the threads while pushing the fabric down to gather into a ruffle, and hot glued them to the lamp shade. Easy, easy, and I just love how it turned out!

To do:
- Empty room, move furniture from guest room to office
- Organize closet (she and I will be sharing!); including organizing her clothes by size and hanging vs not hanging and using hanger tags
- Change light fixture- will probably do a fan---probably not going to happen before D-day!

Still need:
- glider (still working on the color)
- crib
- fabric: I am pretty sure I have decided on the fabric!!
- bedding: crib sheet(s)- found several I like, just need to narrow it down to 2 or 3; bumper cover- bought an almost new bumper from a friend of a friend that I am going to cover
- lamp for dresser/changing table
- frames for prints (thinking diy...)
- prints/photos for picture ledges
- baskets for shelf
- pretty hardware for dresser/changing table

To make:
- ruffle lamp shade (I want to try this using the floral fabric)
- sew trim to bottom of crib skirt
- frames for elephant prints (using this tutorial)- thinking about doing 3 different patterns or 2 of 1 pattern and one other- stripes, dots, chevron- using white, pale pink, aqua, and maybe a gold?? Decided to just buy some cute frames :)
- mobile(s)
- bumper cover
- ottoman slipcover

To decide:
- BEDDING!?: almost there!
- Glider color
- to use or not to use? and if so, where? (of course she'll need a name first, ah!!)- still not sure on these and STILL no name! Decided to just use her first initial :)

And while not working on projects (or doing one million other things), you can find me cuddled up with this little guy :) He's enjoying this time he still has his mom all to himself!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

36 Weeks

Countdown: FOUR weeks!
(after this week we actually know it's more like THREE weeks!)

How far along? 36 weeks
Maternity clothes? still mixing- basically 2 pairs of maternity pants, 2 pairs of regular pants (cotton/stretchy), 4 non-mat skirts, and a few dresses (1 is maternity!). Really starting to love maternity tops though- having to tug way too much on regular shirts.
Movement? rolling around, little jumps/kicks every now and then, and the hiccups 2-3 times a day!
Cravings? still nothing. Fruit always sounds good though
Anything make you queasy or sick? just having an empty stomach- feel nauseous
Sleep? sleep has been pretty decent! Waking up 3-4 times a night to pee, but can typically fall back to sleep easily
Best moment this week: good reports at our doctors appointments and discussing a possible induction date! We also got to see a good picture of her face at the ultrasound- can't believe we'll be meeting her so soon! Also enjoyed spending some time with family and friends celebrating my mom and Kelly's birthdays!
Gender: Girl : )
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? BH contractions with some cramping, but no pattern; TIRED no matter what; Swelling- from my feet to my knees. If you press on my feet or legs, it looks like a memory foam mattress! I usually have "cankles" by the end of the day most days- although my doctor said my swelling isn't too bad considering the time of year, my fluid levels, and carrying around a bigger baby; nausea; going to the bathroom about 3,207 times a day...approximately ;)
Belly button in or out?out for the duration!
What I miss: this kind of goes along with last week, but I miss my ankles! They have just about disappeared. Sometimes I can get a glimpse of them first thing in the morning, but it doesn't take long to puff up.
Appointment Updates: NST looked great. She passed her ultrasound/BPP "flying colors"- the u/s tech had to shake my belly around a little bit to wake her up and she started shaking her head back and forth and waving her hand around :) My fluid is back up a little bit, but not as high as it was a couple of weeks ago. Despite all of the contractions and cramping, I'm not dilated any yet- just practicing I suppose... Our doctor also started to discuss an induction date as she would like to deliver while both me and baby are healthy and everything looks good. We are just waiting to hear back from the hospital scheduler- we are looking at the first week of September, so most likely she will be here by the 4th!!
What I am looking forward to: enjoying spending time with J over these next couple of weeks. Also want to let this girl "cook" a big longer (I'm not tired of being pregnant or even uncomfortable, so I'm fine with her staying put as long as is safe!) and get a few more things ready for her arrival
Milestones: Hello month 9 :) And tentatively scheduling an induction date!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

35 Weeks

Countdown: 5 weeks!

How far along? 35 weeks
Maternity clothes? a mix- kind of getting tired of wearing the same things over and over, but oh well!
Movement? Just rolling and wiggling : ) Every so often I'll get a big kick that makes my whole belly jump!
Cravings? to J's disappointment, not much. He really hoped I would crave ice cream and stuff all the time so that he would have an excuse to pig out, too ; ) However, milkshakes have been sounding SO good this week!
Anything make you queasy or sick? I have been nauseous lately. Usually in the mornings or while eating
Sleep? overall I'm sleeping really well. I of course wake up to change position or use the bathroom, but I feel like when I am asleep, it's good sleep. However, I'm just tired no matter how much I sleep or don't sleep, but I still appreciate all that I get!
Best moment this week: seeing our sweet baby's face on the monitor. It was just so clear! The tech gave us a precious picture of her chin/nose/mouth. I just can't wait to meet her and kiss that sweet nose!
Gender: GIRL! (as confirmed 5 times now on ultrasound...someone isn't very modest)
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? BH contractions; tired; puffy some days, plain ole swollen others; back pain; nausea; sometimes my tailbone is sore (?)
Belly button in or out? OUT!
What I miss: being able to wear real shoes and not just flip flops!
Appointment Updates: Baby did great at her NST Monday. She was moving all around and getting that heart rate up!
Thursday's ultrasound went great as well. She checked out well on everything- moving, breathing, organs, etc- and is measuring in the 84th percentile! Whoa! Right now her estimated weight is 6lbs, 12oz. I think we're going to have a big girl ; ) The tech checked my fluid twice to be sure and got 25cm. This is still on the highest end of normal, but I was relieved to hear it wasn't measuring as high as last week. I also had my Group B Stress test this week- fun...
What I am looking forward to: we have a breastfeeding class this week that I've really been looking forward to. I'm pretty anxious about the whole breastfeeding thing since it seems to be such a challenge for most new moms, so I'm hoping it will help when the time comes! I'm also looking forward to meeting a potential pediatrician next week :)
Milestones: 35 weeks=35 (or less!) days to go!!! And started weekly doctor appointments this week

Look at her grow!

35/35 :)

Doing our Monday thing!

Friday, August 10, 2012

My Pregnancy Must Haves

Our due date is ONE MONTH from today! Can you believe it?! Because I sure can't. While I feel like this has been a long journey, I still can't believe we are just weeks away from meeting this sweet girl. However, I couldn't be more excited!

I thought this would be a good time to share some of my favorite items that have helped me through my pregnancy. The following things have been really helpful and/or I have with me at all times!

1. Nature Made Prenatal +DHA- these were the vitamins my doctor recommended, so I went with them. They stink (literally), but seem to be keeping us both healthy (just hold your breath when you open the bottle...)

2. PILLOWS- rather than using a body pillow, I just use a ton of pillows. Pillows to prop me up, put between my knees, to elevate my feet...we have pillows everywhere.

3. Kenra 25 Hairspray- this has been a lifesaver for all those new, short hairs sprouting out of my head!

4. Mustela Double Action Stretch Mark Cream- I know I've said this before, but while I know stretch marks are said to be hereditary, using this at least makes me feel like I'm trying to prevent them! Plus, it leaves my skin feeling super soft and it smells good, too :)
*Note: I don't use the Mustela very often because it's pricey. Most days I just use regular moisturizer with shea or cocoa butter. Now that we are nearing the end, I will probably start using the Mustela daily...just in case

5. Books! I do have a few books that I have found helpful. My favorites are "A Child is Born"- I like it because it's informative, but also has tons of cool pics from inside the womb! It's neat to have a real idea of what your baby looks like in there. "What to Expect When You're Expecting"- I like this book and I don't. I mostly stick to the front of each section talking about what to expect that month and what's happening with baby that month, the rest of the chapter I just skim through. "Baby Bargains"- along with internet research, this book was really helpful in giving ideas for products. They review several brands, give pros and cons, rate products, and also give suggestions on how to save on baby items! "Balancing Pregnancy with Pr-Existing Diabetes"- this one obviously isn't for everyone, but for me it's nice to have a book that I can refer to that's more specific to what I'm dealing with and covers all the extras that never cross most normal/healthy pregnancies radar. "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" is also a good one! Reading it is kind of like talking to a friend, rather than being more technical.

6. Pregnancy apps, websites, and emails! I have several books about pregnancy (see #5), but I find it easier to read the weekly updates on my apps and via email. I like BabyCenter because it gives you a daily calendar and something to read each day, along with the weekly updates (what's happening with baby that week and "your baby is the size of"). I also have Sprout lite, Hello Baby, and What to Expect apps (all free). For kick counts (and keeping up with contractions in the coming weeks), I like the Pregnancy Tracker Free app. You can email the results if you'd like and it will chart your contractions! In addition to the apps, I signed up to get emails from the following: The Bump, Baby Center, WhatToExpect.com, Lucie's List, and Parenting.com, and Daily Babble.

7. A water bottle- I use this Tervis Tumbler and take it everywhere with me! I can't tell you how many times a day I fill it up. Plus I like that I can leave it on my desk and it keeps my water cold and doesn't "sweat" on my desk.

8. Belly Band- this is one of those things that is totally a personal preference, but I love mine! It definitely expands my options as far as pants go, even if I can't zip them up at all! (I got mine at Target)

9. Diet Ginger Ale (and yes, it had to be Canada Dry :) - this seriously helped me get through many rough mornings there in the beginning (and by beginning I mean until about 22 weeks!)

10. A loving, supportive partner- Whether it's a husband, friend, mom, whoever. I am so grateful for a husband who works so hard, comes to almost every appointment (I mean, I have a LOT and he doesn't need to come to all of them, but he comes to every "big" one or any I ask him to), runs out to get something I am craving (even if it's something he ate the LAST of ;)...I really appreciate all he does for me, and I know this little girl is going to have him wrapped around her finger :)

I should also add a #11 for Rolaids, I just don't feel like redoing the picture ; ) I carry a huge bottle in my purse at all times- just never know when that heartburn is going to strike. Ouch!

Monday, August 6, 2012


Today is a big day! 35 weeks pregnant=35 days to go!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

34 Weeks

Countdown: 6 weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still mixing- I'd say about 20% maternity, 80% non
Movement? She rolls around or pushes against me almost constantly. It's becoming much easier to tell when she's sleeping! Every once in a while I will still get a little jab or kick, too :)
Cravings? nothing really!
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope...
Sleep? has been pretty good this week- hooray!
Best moment this week: once again...seeing her on the ultrasound! It's so fun to see her- this week she furrowed her brow and leaned her neck all the way back. We also got a shot of her little nose!! I can't believe we'll be kissing that nose soon :)
J and I found out this week that we are going to have a nephew! So that means baby E is going to have a boy cousin to boss around ;)
Gender: Girl
Labor signs? none
Symptoms? BH contractions (still not ready to put this under "labor signs'!), tired, SWELLING (ankles, feet, a little bit in my hands), back pain, nausea (it's baaaaaaaaaack!)
Belly button in or out? Out. Every once in a while she will get in a position where it goes down (flat), but most of the time it's popped! P.S. the insides of belly buttons are weird...
What I miss: not much!
Appointment Updates: Non-stress test Monday was great! At the ultrasound Thursday, baby looked perfect. However, we found out my fluid (which was already at the high end of normal) had gone up quite a bit from the previous week. High fluid levels can cause pre-term labor, so I am just taking it easy and paying attention to the frequency of contractions.So far, nothing out of the norm (not painful, inconsistent)
What I am looking forward to: getting some more work done in the nursery!
Milestones: We will have a baby NEXT MONTH! August is here and she could be anytime, too! If I were to go into labor now, they wouldn't try to stop it. She's developed enough to be ok, but of course we'd like her to keep maturing :) I'm not sure if it was the appointment Thursday or what, but suddenly I'm feeling ready for this baby! It's still hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that we having a baby, but at the same time, I'm ready for her (or as ready as I can be :)

We started training Cash with the baby doll over the weekend. So far, he's doing really well with it. Usually when I carry around a toy, he chases after me or tries to jump up for it. He hasn't been doing that with the doll- just wants to sniff it and lick it. I'm hoping this is a good sign....but we'll see when that doll becomes a real life baby and is kicking and screaming!!

A few other shots from this week...

an adorable outfit I couldn't resist for next Summer!

Surprising Meg for her 29th birthday!

a little pancakes and syrup to wake someone up for their ultrasound ;)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Baby Shower!

Last weekend we had another great shower! This one was given by my sisters and one of my best friends (for almost 15 years- dang, we're getting old), Tricia. My mom and step-mom also helped out and they all did such a good job. They had prepared quite a spread with cute "pacifier"mints, Trix marshmallow treats, and the prettiest shower cake I've ever seen! (it also matched the invitation- loved it!) All of the food was so yummy- all.of.it!, the cake was delicious (made by the lady who made our wedding cake!), the flowers were beautiful, and the decor was so cute and sweet : ) We had a great turn out and even had some family from Alabama, East Tennessee, and Georgia! Along with our local friends and family, too. I'm so glad everyone who could be there was there to celebrate baby E- and boy did she rack up!! She is a loved little girl and again, we are so fortunate to have such loving and generous friends and family! I think we are just about ready for her...

Now for the pictures! I didn't do a very good job at this shower of getting photos with the guests, but still managed to get a few good ones :)


sisters :)

Mary Laine and Alvey
Barb made some ADORABLE burp cloth and bib sets!
these six crazy ladies threw a heck of a shower! :)
Lulu and Sadee
the hostesses!

I took a few more when we got home. Cash got his very own gift at the shower from my sweet friend Mindy! But he still had to check out everything his sister got. Of course : )

Worn out from checking out all the goodies :)