Monday, February 6, 2012

9 Weeks

How far along? 9 weeks
Total weight gain? 3 lbs...
Maternity clothes? nope, clothes are starting to fit really well!
Movement? not yet
Cravings? buttery layers and layers of butter in my popcorn. I want to go to a movie just so I can eat popcorn! Still loving strawberries and anything strawberry flavored.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Luckily, no. However, I have noticed I don't feel well after my morning Carnation Instant Breakfast....
Sleep? overall, pretty good. Last night, not so much :(
Best moment this week: due to a misunderstanding at my doctor appointment last week, they scheduled an ultrasound for last Friday. It was amazing to see how much the baby has changed from just a few weeks ago- we could see the head and arm and leg buds. Totally incredible. The main reason we went was to check the heartbeat (no reason for alarm, just thought we'd get to hear it at our appt Thursday and when they didn't check, they scheduled the US for us- I think I'm already a crazy, pain in the butt mom :)...anyway, heartbeat was strong at 175. We also measured a couple days ahead of what we were told last time...I'm interested to see if this will change again and/or if they will bump up our due date!
Gender prediction: ?? Friends seem to be leaning toward girl, family thinking boy. Me, clueless!
Labor signs? no
Symptoms? REALLY tired- pretty much all the time, no matter how much sleep I get; occasional nausea; waking every night to empty my bladder...then not being able to get back to sleep!

Belly button in or out? In
What I miss: not always being tired...but I really can't complain :)
What I am looking forward to: my birthday next Monday! The last in my 20s and the last one as a family of 3! (yes, I include Cash in our family count :) I'm also looking forward to our next appointment on the 16th!
Weekly Wisdom: for me, sleep seems to work wonders on morning sickness! Now if only I could get a little more sleep...
Milestones: baby is now officially a fetus. You go baby :) 

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