Monday, February 20, 2012

11 Weeks

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain? 5 lbs :/
Maternity clothes? nope, regular clothes are still fitting without any problem
Movement? Not yet...I wish!
Cravings? Still loving strawberries/strawberry flavored things or any of the flavors of the fruit chillers tubes!
Anything make you queasy or sick? so far, so good...
Sleep? I actually slept through the night last night! This was the first time in over a month...but I'm still pretty sleepy.
Best moment this week: had my every other week appointment last week and they were able to pick up baby's heartbeat on the doppler! We only got to hear it for about 5 seconds before baby moved, but that's good enough for me. The doctor seemed surprised we were able to find it since we were only 10 weeks along, so I'm hoping this means we have a very healthy baby, with a good, strong heart :)
Gender: no clue...but we'll know in 8 weeks!
Labor signs? no
Symptoms? nausea (down to just a couple days a week now!), tired
Belly button in or out? in  
What I miss: I definitely miss the occasional glass of wine! And I'm ready to have some energy back...should get better in the next few weeks though

What I am looking forward to: being done with the first trimester and finally telling our good news to everyone!
Weekly Wisdom: don't eat too much at once...ouch
Milestones: hearing baby's heartbeat on the doppler...140!

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