Monday, February 13, 2012

10 weeks

How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain? Haven't stepped on the scale for a little over a week, but will know at my appointment Thursday...I know it's early, but I'm a little nervous!
Maternity clothes? No...but some pairs of my pants are getting tighter than others. I just prefer to wear leggings on the weekends because I can.
Movement? No- but I know he or she is at least moving their arms all over the place, soon to be followed by those squishy legs :)
Cravings? anything strawberry, love frozen treats (popsicles and these, omg), was really craving pancakes and got my fix at the Pancake Pantry over the weekend!
Anything make you queasy or sick? just if I eat too much. I'm learning I have to really pay attention to when I'm just starting to get full and to not take one more bite! Otherwise I feel sick for hours :(
Sleep? it's pretty good- I just like to get a lot of it!
Best moment this week: today is my 29th birthday- I just remember hoping I would be pregnant by the time my 29th birthday rolled around and here we are! And I'm just so grateful :) And celebrating my birthday with J and my family- and it being even more exciting knowing that when 30 rolls around, we will be parents to a sweet 5-6 month old
Gender: Right now I am feeling girl...but that could change!
Labor signs? no
Symptoms? sleepy, nausea, heartburn started over the weekend (yay)
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss: not being exhausted almost all of the time! And I'm pushing out my birthday celebration until we can share the news with everyone (better than dealing with the "why aren't you drinking??" questions all night long :)
What I am looking forward to: my appointment Thursday- should get to hear the heart beat!
Weekly Wisdom: sleep rules.
Milestones:we're in the double digits!

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