Thursday, November 22, 2012


(This was supposed to post on Thanksgiving...oops)
Every day, every year, we have so much to be thankful for. It would take such a long time to list all that I am grateful for. Of course the big things- J, my family, Cash, my friends, health, a safe home, butI could go on and on. This year I have something (or i should say someONE:) new to be thankful for (and I think you all know where I am going with this). I am so thankful that we were blessed with sweet Claire. I am sitting here writing this while watching her precious face on the monitor and I am just so glad God chose us to be this angel baby's parents. My heart feels so full. I really wonder how we went this long without her! I am also so thankful that J and I were able to create this little person and that I was able to experience the incredible gift of pregnancy- caring for and growing this little life inside of me. God is so good! Not a day goes by that I don't think about how grateful I am for this precious girl.

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