Monday, May 14, 2012

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks (a little late posting! This picture was taken at 22 weeks and the below is all in reference to last week :)
Maternity clothes?  still just loving my belly band, leggings, yoga pants, and my one pair of maternity pants! All 3 make life SO comfortable! However, Emily let me borrow a ton of maternity clothes that are just waiting on me when I'm ready.
Movement?  she's moving more and more as each week passes! Some are little and some are definitely more profound. J was able to feel her 2 more times this week :)
Fruit, fruit all the time- fresh fruit, smoothies, sorbet, whatever! And SWEETS. Hopefully this subsides...
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope!
Sleep? can't sleep near as long as I used to, but I really can't complain since I'm still able to get comfortable easily
Best moment this week: Just being able to feel her moving more often and J getting to feel her a couple times. She wants to stop as soon as he lays his hand down!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs? nope!

Symptoms? growing little by little, tired pretty frequently, after some long days my ankle swells a little (always the left one??)
Belly button in or out? hanging in there, getting more and more shallow though!
What I miss: sleeping in :) I'm sure I'll be saying this for years to come!

What I am looking forward to: excited to see her TWICE next week! Ultrasound Tuesday (5/15) and EKG Thursday (5/17- even though they'll be focusing on her heart, we'll still get to peek in :)
Milestones: Starting to look more pregnant and becoming more obvious to others (vs having a pot belly ;)


Bethany said...

You look so cute! And definitely look pregnant, not pot-bellyish at all. :)

stephanie said...

Thank you Bethany! :)