Sunday, May 27, 2012

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 weeks
Maternity clothes?  same as last week- pants with stretch, belly band, or the black maternity pants (definitely getting my $6 worth!); still wearing all of my regular tops (of course there are some that no longer fit in the chest or belly area!)
Movement?  She's moving more and more often!
this week I had a serious craving for some Sunset Nachos (thank you J for going out to get them for me at the last minute!) and chocolate chip cookies, so I made some :) Fruit is still at the top of the list, too.
Anything make you queasy or sick? nope! Although over the past couple of weeks, I have realized pizza really never sounds good and spinach doesn't taste right to me. Bummer because it's (the spinach of course) so good for me and baby and I used to LOVE it!
Sleep? it involves lots of pillows and varies night to night...I'm just happy with whatever I can get!  
Best moment this week: I put together the shelf for baby's room (yes, all by myself!), so she now officially has one piece of furniture in her room that is just for her! 
Gender: Girl
Labor signs?
Symptoms? nothing new! 
Belly button in or out? getting more and more shallow...especially at the end of the day. I can defintiely see the inside of my belly button. I took a picture of it last night, but it's not something I think everyone really wants to see!
What I miss: sneezing and not feeling like I pulled a muscle ;)

What I am looking forward to: the 3 day weekend!! And hopefully making more progress on transitioning the rooms in our house (office to basement, guest room to office, guest room to nursery!) And not having to do a glucose tolerance test like most preggo ladies do around this time- we already know I have the 'betus (and under good control, too!)
Weekly Wisdom: I found out last week, Braxton Hicks can start at 14 weeks! I felt a firm spot a couple weeks ago. I thought the baby was probably still too small to actually be able to feel her body pressed up against a certain area, so I asked my nurse practitioner. She said it was probably a BH contraction, but nothing to be concerned about (unless I noticed it 5 times in an hour). There was no pain, I just happened to be feeling my belly and noticed it. It's interesting!
Milestones: She is almost a FOOT long!!

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