Monday, September 3, 2012

She's here!

Claire James was born at 2:33 pm on Monday, September 3rd, weighing 9 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 inches long. She is perfect and healthy with a head full of black hair, the cutest little nose, chubby cheeks, ten sweet fingers and ten tiny toes, and the prettiest little lips! I'm just in love with and in awe of this precious baby girl.

As for her name...we officially decided on her name just a few hours before she was born (we knew her name would be Claire and that's what we would call her, but had the hardest time agreeing whether it would be her first or middle name!). This is where her name name comes from:

Claire- Claire is my middle name and it was also my grandmother's middle name (Bettye Claire)
James- J's full name is James and we have both always liked the name James for a girl

It was really important to me that we use family names and I love that her name is made up of parts of both mine and J's names :)

More about this sweet baby girl coming soon! It's just not as easy to sit down and blog and upload photos as it used to be ;)

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