Monday, February 27, 2012

12 Weeks

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain? no clue...I feel like I haven't gained any in the past couple of weeks, but we'll find out at the doctor Thursday!
Maternity clothes? nope, clothes are fitting well. However, jeans usually have to be unbuttoned at the end of a meal!
Movement? not yet, can't wait for that!
Cravings? I REALLY wanted shaved ice this weekend. Apparently, February isn't a good months for shaved ice cravings :( And chicken salad. I don't have many consistent cravings (except for wanting strawberries pretty much anytime), the others just hit me and I have to have it!
Anything make you queasy or sick? luckily, no
Sleep? wish I could get more- still having trouble falling asleep after waking up in the middle of the night to empty my bladder and check blood sugar. The latest I've been able to sleep in lately is 9am, which is not very late by my standards! :) But I will take what I can get!
Best moment this week: getting to tell a few more friends and after our appointment this week, we will officially let the secret out! :)
Gender: don't know yet! And really don't have a feeling either way...
Labor signs? nope
Symptoms? tired (getting better though, I think!), breaking out (was really hoping these hormones would improve breakouts, but so far no luck), headaches, and nausea (all of a sudden came back last week, but fortunately still haven't actually gotten sick)- funny story, J and I toured the Belle Meade Plantation yesterday, and while standing in one of the parlors of the 1850s mansion, surrounded by antiques, I thought "oh no. I am going to be sick. The first time I am going to be sick and it is going to be in front of our tour group all over this old, gorgeous home!" I ruled out using my purse since I had my camera and phone in there...the door to get out was blocked...I didn't know what I was going to do! I just took several deep breaths and thank goodness, it went away! But that was close!!
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss: Sleeping through the night and sleeping in on the weekends!
What I am looking forward to: sharing our news with EVERYONE later this week!! 
Weekly wisdom: I love turkey sandwiches. I literally probably don't go a week without having one. I see so many other bloggers who fill out this type of survey saying they miss turkey sandwiches or cold turkey sandwiches- so I just thought I'd share this piece of wisdom from my doctor. It is ok to eat deli turkey as long as it is heated for 30 seconds or until steaming. For cold sandwiches, when you buy a pack of turkey, go ahead and heat it up and put it back in the fridge. After it's been heated up once, the bacteria is dead and doesn't have to be heated up again! Yay :)
Also, I watched Steel Magnolias all the way through for the first time yesterday (gasp, i know), and wow. No wonder people get freaked out about diabetics having babies! A post about this is coming soon!!
Milestones: The bump is slowly making it's way out. J and I can both tell. It really only shows in fitted clothes and looks more like I have a chubby belly than a bump, but it's getting there!! AND almost through the first trimester!!!

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