Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

As you probably know, 2012 was an amazing year for us. It has been, without a doubt, one of the absolute best.

Here's a brief recap...and hopefully I'm remembering everything I should :)

Found out we were pregnant on the 11th. Words can't describe the excitement and disbelief!

(worth mentioning this was two days after Alabama won the national championship!)

A week later, January 18, we saw and heard out baby for the first time at 6 1/2 weeks. This is when I finally believed I was really pregnant!

Sweet Finley was born! It was such an amazing experience being able to see him enter the world.

I celebrated my last birthday in my 20's! How did that happen?!

Ended first trimester and began telling more people our wonderful news.

At 16 weeks, we did an early ultrasound to find out we would be having a sweet baby GIRL!

Chopped off 8-9 inches of my hair for Pantene beautiful lengths

Went on a family trip- J, Cash, and I- to Atlanta. Had a fun time eating, shopping, eating some more and shopping!!

Cash turned 4 on May 5th!

Found out I was going to be an aunt! Sarah's having a baby boy in January :)

Family beach trip and hit the final trimester!!

Decided this would be the year, big and pregnant, to finally go to the Hot Chicken Festival, ha!

Baby shower mania! We had three wonderful baby showers in July given by sweet friends and family.

Started to really buckle down and get ready for this baby's arrival! Finishing up the nursery, checking things off our "Baby Bucket List" (mostly seeing movies and going out to eat), and sleeping!

Finally got to meet our baby girl, Claire James, at 2:33pm on September 3rd. Best moment of my life.

And the rest of the month is a blur. Just kidding. Sort of :) the rest of the month was spent staring at this incredible little person we created!! (And feeding her and changing her and feeding her and changing her....)

Still blurry. Good thing I have hundreds of photos to remind me :)

J and I celebrated 3 years of marriage!

We also tailgated at MTSU's homecoming, went to a pumpkin patch, and dressed our baby like a strawberry!

We voted, had our first shots experience, went to Christmas Village, Claire rolled over, and celebrated J's birthday and Claire's first Thanksgiving

Watched Alabama win the SEC Championship, met Santa, went on a girls trip to Chattanooga, and made gingerbread houses.

And celebrated Claire's first Christmas

I am so grateful for all the blessings and happiness this year has brought us and can't wait to see what 2013 has in store!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Months 1 to 3!

It blows my mind that Claire is already three months old. Life since she arrived has just flown. I really need to catch up and post about month 2 and 3 (and a lot of other things!!)...I hope to do that soon! It's hard to do much on the computer with a baby who LOVES to be held, and a mom who doesn't mind too much ;)

Claire's Nursery!

I figured it's about time I did my "final reveal" post for Claire's room. I finally finished her room the day before she was born!! I am so happy with how everything turned out- simple and doesn't scream "baby". I took the pictures the week after we got home from the hospital because I figured it wouldn't stay picked up for long (and I was right, now there's stuff everywhere!). So, here it is!


And there it is!

Book shelf: Target
Wall shelf: Ikea
Crib: Walmart
Crib bedding: bumper and crib skirt ruffle by me, crib sheet- Babies R Us
Rug: Urban Outfitters
Glider: Pottery Barn Kids
Ottoman: bought 2nd hand, slipcover by me
Dresser: Ikea (pink knobs- Anthropologie)
Lamp and lampshade: Target (ruffles by me:)
Elephant, Zebra, and Pigs: Jellycat
Rocking sheep: Pottery Barn Outlet
Curtains: Pottery Barn Outlet
"C" hook: Anthropologie
Mirror: Hobby Lobby