Monday, April 11, 2011


Gosh. I am just not doing well with this blog thing! I feel like before I started the blog, I had ideas all the time about what I could write, and then once I started, my mind went blank. Or maybe I don’t have as much free time as I previously thought. Things have been busy between work, full weekends, and planning two trips! Oh, and sleeping : ) We are planning two trips this year. One to NYC in June and one to Europe (London, Paris, Italy) in the Fall. So very excited!! But so much work. NYC isn’t as difficult. Two helpful things- #1, I have been there four times in the past, and #2, they speak English. Europe is another story. Neither one of us has been that far out of the country (just Canada and the Caribbean) and neither of us know how to speak French or Italian! London is the only country I’m feeling semi-ok about. But at the same time, I could not be more excited about these amazing trips coming up! There are so many things to see and do. Since we have both been to New York, we aren’t doing as many of the big touristy things (Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, etc), but it’s hard to go to New York and not do touristy things! I’ve been making lots of random notes about where to go, what to see, places to eat…so far the list includes:

-See Mary Poppins on Broadway
-Overload on cupcakes at Sprinkles, Magnolia Bakery, and Sweet Revenge
-Dylan’s Candy Bar (Lent will be over, and I will attack)
-Eat at tons of places. Tons!
-Go to the Top of the Rock, Rockefeller Center
-Stop at some Sex and the City spots- Carrie’s stoop, NY Public Library, maybe a few restaurants or bars
-Hope, hope, hope to go to a taping of Jimmy Fallon (fingers, and toes, crossed!). We heart Jimmy.
-World Trade Center site (go every time. It’s always amazing to see how much it changes each trip, the first one was in 2003, and the last was 2005)
-Central Park
-Going to venture into Brooklyn for the first time, then walk back to Manhattan over the Bridge
-Oh, and shop, of courseJ
-I would also love to run into Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni filming Law and Order SVU, but you know, hard to plan a run in like that :)

Still not sure where we are staying, although I would LOVE to stay in the West Village. It’s always been one of my favorite areas, but never stayed there. The good thing about NYC is that it is so small, so no matter where you stay, you aren’t very far from anything and can get almost anywhere pretty quickly. It’s been over 5 years since I’ve been there, and I can’t wait to go back!

Next, hopefully, I will have a plan for Europe :)

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