Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6 Weeks

How far along? 6 weeks (and 2 days :)
Total weight gain? 0 (actually lost a pound since last week, so -1? will be back soon enough I'm sure!)
Maternity clothes/Movement? No
Cravings? Not yet- I'm actually either not hungry at all or STARVING! When I am hungry, I'm really not picky about what it is
Anything make you queasy or sick? I saw some mushrooms yesterday that almost made me have to sprint for the bathroom
Sleep? it's ok...been having some trouble (already?!)
Best moment this week: going to the doctor today. Confirmed the pregnancy and got to see our little bean for the first time and hear its heartbeat! Be still my heart- totally emotional moment (tears in my eyes just thinking about it). I had tears rolling down my face the rest of the time. Such an incredible thing to see and sound to hear. This is real!! :)
Gender prediction?  None yet (J thinks girl)
Labor signs? No
Symptoms? Nausea comes and goes, and when it comes, whew. It's a doozy. Sometimes exhausted, while other times I have more energy than ever. I'm normally a pretty emotional chick (pretty much anything sweet or the slightest bit sad brings tears to my eyes)- however, I did watch the Sex & the City movie last night, and cried a LOT more than I remember crying the first time I saw it...I even cried during Tia & Tamera's show!
Belly button in or out? way in and normal :)
What I miss: I miss not having to keep the biggest and best secret EVER! We haven't told anyone yet (wanted to wait until our appointment today- for example, we thought we were a little over 7 weeks, but found out we are 6 weeks- just wanted to get more information...I am about to BURST with joy and excitement!!! We will be telling family and friendsthatmightaswellbefamily very soon!) However, if I ever had to keep a secret, this is the best one to have.
What I am looking forward to: Everything! But in the next week, telling family and my best friends!
Weekly wisdom: I don't have much wisdom to share yet...I have no idea what's going on or what I'm doing?!
Milestones: hearing sweet baby's heartbeat <3 WOW

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